Sunday, November 17, 2019

Weekly Update 11/18-11/22

Hello families!
This is our last week of school before Thanksgiving break! Thanksgiving break will be from November 25th-November 29th. I hope you all will have an awesome Thanksgiving break! 😊

Scholastic Book Orders

This is the last week to order books until January! We will not be doing book orders in December. If you are interested in ordering books click HERE make sure to use our class code NGTFY. They make awesome Christmas presents! Book orders are due November 22nd. Happy reading! 😃

Sight Words Assessment

At the end of this week, your child will be assessed on the sight words they have been learning the last couple of weeks. These are the sight words that have been sent home every week on their homework paper. If you would like to see all of the words they will be assessed on, click HERE to see the sight words list. Please review the words with your child to make sure they are ready for the assessment. Building fluency with sight words helps tremendously to build strong readers. They will need to be able to read these words within 3 seconds or less.

Pajama Day - This Friday! 

On Friday, we will be kicking off our last day of school before Thanksgiving break with a Pajama day! 🎉 We have been learning about the history of Thanksgiving, why we celebrate it, and comparing/contrasting pilgrim life vs. how we live today. To wrap up our Thanksgiving unit, we will be watching A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving movie and cooking popcorn. 😊

This Week We Are Learning...

Reading Comprehension
*We are learning how to sequence/identify the beginning, middle, and end of a story so we can retell it.
*We are learning how to summarize the beginning, middle, and end of the story.
Word Study
We are learning the SH, WH, and PH pattern so we can become better writers and readers.
We are learning how to use the Make 10 strategy to help us solve addition equations so we can become more efficient at solving equations.
* We are learning to use observations of the sun, moon, and stars to describe patterns that can be predicted.
Social Studies
*We are learning about why we celebrate Thanksgiving.
* We are comparing how families today are similar and/or different from families in the past (pilgrim life vs. life now)


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