Sunday, September 8, 2019

Weekly Update for 9/9 - 9/13

Hello Families!

We have had an awesome 2nd week of school! First Grade Boot Camp is in full swing in our classroom!! Over the next few weeks, the students are "Troops in Training" for Boot Camp to learn about what it means to be a learner at Willow Creek Elementary. So far, we have learned in Boot Camp that to be a good learner you have to be resilient, curious about learning, independent, and embrace challenges. We have read different children's books to help teach us about what these characteristics look like and sound like in the classroom. For example, when we learned about being resilient, we read books like Pete the Cat and The Most Magnificent Thing. The students also have Army dog tags that can they can earn for different rules & procedures that they have mastered in our class room such as: lining up, making their lunch choice, clean up time, etc. The students have LOVED Boot Camp and we have had so much fun!

Field Trip

We are going on a field trip! Our first field trip will be on Tuesday, September 24th. We will be going to the Meridian Agricultural Expo. We will be leaving at 11:30am and returning around 2:30. On Monday, your child will be bringing home a permission slip and more information about the field trip. Please return the permission slip by Wednesday, September 18th.   You are welcome to join us on the field trip to help chaperone! :)

If you would like to join us on the field trip, click HERE 

Take Home Folders

On Monday, your child will be bringing home their take home folder for the first time. Inside, you will find their first homework assignment, picture day order forms if you choose to order photos, field trip information/permission slip, box tops information, and a subway order form. Please remove the papers, and return the folder on Tuesday. During the week, the students will be storing their class work in their take home folder and it will be sent home again on Friday. 

Back to School Night

Back to School Night will be on Thursday, September 12th. This will be an opportunity to see our classroom, get information about what your child will be learning this year, and information about our classroom rules & procedures. There will be 3 sessions. Each session will cover the same content, so you may choose the time that is most convenient for you. 

Session 1: 5:00-5:25
Session 2: 5:30-5:55
Session 3: 6:00-6:25

I hope to see you all there! If you can't make it, no worries!  I will send home the handouts & information home with your child the next day. 

Subway Day at Willow Creek

Every month, our school will be having Subway Day at Willow Creek. On Monday, an order form was sent home with your child and you may purchase a subway sandwich, cookie, and chips for $6.00. Families are always welcome to join their children at school for lunch anytime! Lunch is from 12:15-12:35. There will be extra order forms in the office if you would like to order an extra meal for yourself and join your child for lunch on this day. Order forms will be due by Thursday, September 12th. Subway Day is Friday, September 20th. 

I am looking forward to another great week in First Grade! :) 


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