If you haven't already, make sure to subscribe to our blog! You can subscribe to our blog by entering your email address in the "Follow by Email" box to the right of this blog. Once you subscribe, you will be able to see weekly updates that will be sent right to your email. We have already had over half of our families subscribe! Once you subscribe, you will be sent an email that will require you to confirm your email to activate your subscription. You will need to respond to that email to activate your subscription before you can receive updates to your email.
A Few Reminders & Upcoming Events
- School starts at 9:05 everyday except for Wednesday. Every Wednesday is late start (9:20) due to teacher collaboration. The playground will be open and recess duties will be supervising starting at 8:45 on M,T,TH, F and 9:05 on Wednesday morning. I am a recess duty on the playground every morning, so I will not be in my classroom from 8:45-9:05.
- Lunch starts at 12:15pm. You are welcome to come anytime to eat lunch with your child! School lunch costs $2.50 for students, and $3.95 for adults. If you want to add more money to your child's lunch account, you can access their lunch account online by clicking HERE. If you think your child may qualify for free or reduced lunch, you can find out more information about the program HERE.
- Back to School Night will be Thursday, September 12th from 5:00-6:30. This will be an opportunity for you to see our classroom, get information on what your child will be learning this year, and information about our classroom rules/procedures. I hope to see you all there!!
- Picture day will be September 17th. More information will be sent home with your child in the coming weeks.
- Starting this week we will be collecting box tops!! Please send in your box tops with your child. Box tops helps give money back to our school! The class that earns the most box tops wins a party!!
Are you wanting to become more active in our school and get to know other parents? If so, we would LOVE for you to join our PTA! We have an awesome PTA who are always supporting the students and teachers. Our PTA needs your help! If you would like to join the PTA or would like more information, click HERE. Joining the PTA is a great way to get to know other parents and become more active in our school! Thank you for supporting us! The first PTA meeting is on September 19th at 4:00pm.
Please feel free to contact me anytime. The best way to get ahold of me is by emailing me at: newton.kelsey@westada.org.
I'm looking forward to another awesome week! :)
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