Monday, December 16, 2019

Weekly Update 12/16 - 12/20

Hello families!
This is our last week before Christmas break! We have lots of exciting things happening this week!

Grinch Week

This week is Grinch Week down in first grade! We are getting super grinchy this week by doing a book study on How the Grinch Stole Christmas, Grinch art and science experiments, and Grinch math activities. On Friday, December 20th, we will have a Grinch Celebration by having a pajama party, have grinch snacks, and we will be watching the movie How the Grinch Stole Christmas (We will be watching the 2000 version with Jim Carrey. Please let me know if you do not want your child to participate in this movie).

Thank you to the families that already donated supplies for our Grinch Week. We are still in need of someone to donate Grinch themed cupcakes (they don't need to be fancy -- they can be just green cupcakes or red and green cupcakes). Thank you for helping make this week a fun one! 😊

           Click HERE to donate supplies for our Grinch Week!  

Dress Up Days - This Week!

This week at Willow Creek, everyday is holiday spirit dress up days.
  • Monday: Festive Sweater Day
  • Tuesday: Holiday Hats - wear your favorite holiday hate to celebrate the season!
  • Wednesday: Winter White-out Day - It's a blizzard in here! Wear all white for the day!
  • Thursday: Comfy Cozy Day - Come to school ready to work in your comfy clothes!
  • Friday: Grinch/Green Day - Celebrate the upcoming break with your favorite Grinch attire or something green! (Our class will be having a Pajama day as well) 

PTA Free Movie Night

This Friday, December 20th, the Willow Creek PTA will be hosting a free movie night! They will be showing the Grinch movie. Doors open at 5:30pm and the movie starts at 6pm. Concessions will be available for purchase and feel free to dress comfy, and bring a reusable water bottle and blanket. This is not a drop off event, students must be accompanied by an adult. 

No Homework This Week

There will be no homework this week. Please continue to have your child read to you 15-20 minutes every night. We will not start homework again until January 13th. Please continue to have your child read to you during Christmas break so they will not loose any progress they have made 

This Week We Are Learning....

Reading Comprehension
*We are learning how to retell a fiction story so we can understand it better.
*We are learning how to use a story map to summarize the beginning, middle, and end of the story.
Word Study
We are learning the long i (silent e) pattern. There will not be a spelling test on this pattern.
We are learning how to use the take from 10 strategy to solve subtraction problems.
We are learning how to write a narrative story.

This week is going to be so much fun!! 


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